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Informed Parents of Washington

PA lawmaker fights for parental rights in education


These are the kinds of steps Legislatures SHOULD be taking to honor transparency and uphold parental rights. Not drafting Bills that reduce parents to glorified babysitters and wedges government controlled schools between parents and their own children.

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Today I began drafting legislation to REQUIRE public schools to post the curriculum plan, including textbooks, online for parents to easily review before the school year starts. Too many parents have no idea what is being taught to their children until they see the homework — and it’s time for this to end. Parents need to be in the driver’s seat when it comes to education, not some out-of-state textbook publisher teaching heaven knows what (hint: anti-American socialism) to our students. It’s time to turn the tables and empower parents once again. I sent out the co-sponsorship memorandum today — please contact your legislator and ask them to co-sponsor this crucial legislation. As a positive note — our schools in the 105th (CD & LD) do a great job on this and Lower Dauphin specifically is a model school for curriculum & textbook transparency. Let’s get this done across Pennsylvania and the rest of the country!

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