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Chris Reykdal: Obsessed with Sex, Bored With His Job

Across the board, students in our state are failing in Math, Science and Language Arts.

We are poorly prepared for emergencies and have no distance learning program in place leaving many kids educationally stranded during the current situation.

Rather than push legislation that would have addressed this issue, or even tackle the equity issues that this shutdown has made so apparent, making distance learning nearly impossible in some districts, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) headed by Washington State Superintendent Chris Reykdal chose instead to push the bill mandating CSE into every grade and every school in Washington.

Lead by Reykdal, rather then focusing on increasing performance in core subjects, or creating contingency plans OSPI instead spent the last 2 years dedicated to forcing sex-ed legislation.

Chris Reykdal: Obsessed with sex, bored with his job Share   BY TODD HERMAN APRIL 8, 2020 AT 5:45 PM

Chris Reykdal is the boss of the government schools, a statewide elected official. He has a $1 billion budget and unanimous support of the Democrat-controlled legislature; despite all the power and money, Washington State has no distance learning platform and is nowhere near having one. No school: Can you stop paying your property tax? During the shut-down, some schools provide minimal forms of online school, many do not. There is no statewide standard, testing, or measurement. There is no distance learning platform or model. Despite his lies to the contrary, which I detailed on my radio show this morning, Reykdal ignored that part of his duty. Perhaps he is bored by his actual job. Chris Reykdal is not bored, however, by the opportunity to see children sexualized. For nearly two years, Reykdal worked obsessively to gain the power to personally force schools to adopt the most extreme, bizarre sex education frameworks in the country. House leaders tell me Reykdal’s staff wrote the bill that Gov. Jay Inslee signed into law (in the midst of the pandemic!).

According to other legislators with whom I spoke, Chris Reykdal lobbied them, often late at night, all to get the power to strong-arm schools into accepting the theory that kids, at any age, are sexual beings whom, at any age, have the right to pursue sexual pleasure and, with one look at the FLASH or 3Rs curricula approved by Reykdal’s office, the right to pursue in the least safe or healthy ways imaginable.

Reykdal was completely engrossed by his desire to shove by sex-ed down the throats of terrified and disgusted middle school girls. Two such girls told me they endured having male teachers explain, in co-ed classrooms, how boys can sexually arouse girls. This happened at a school that was an early adopter of Reykdal’s dream sex-ed curricula model. Democrats abusively forced the bill upon parents. During debate on the bill, there were 11,000 calls against it to 1 call for it, according to JT Wilcox, House Minority Leader, who appeared on my program. Wilcox called the voter outrage at this law the greatest he has ever seen.

So, while Reykdal cannot be bothered to create a distance learning model, he seemingly enjoyed battering parents with his sex-ed obsession.

It’s not just distance learning that apparently bores Reykdal. His office has not asked for control over the curricula for: math, chemistry, biology, algebra, English, science, literature, physical education, social studies, history, comparative religions, career classes, band, drama, shop, debate, or any other curricula. Perhaps he finds that as boring as he does building a distance learning platform.

How to listen to KTTH Radio during coronavirus stay at home order I took Reykdal to task on my radio show Wednesday morning, with an audio fact check of his recent speech about the school closures, where he used word games to pretend there is a statewide distance learning model. Listen to the Todd Herman Show weekday mornings from 6 – 9 a.m. on KTTH 770 AM (or HD Radio 97.3 FM HD-Channel 3).

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