Remember when Reykdal said they don't teach sex?
Check out these examples from the "It's All One" curriculum, reviewed and approved by OSPI for use in schools.
How is this NOT teaching sex and explain why ANY of this is necessary or appropriate to teach minor children?
"Reykdahl said they don’t teach sex in kindergarten, not that it isn’t taught ever. He was still incorrect in that statement from what we’ve seen under teacher guidelines for the 3 Rs curriculum. Nonetheless, let’s be as accurate as we can."
We're referring to a statement he made during a 2019 hearing
"So I did watch the link. Ugh I hate that man. I’m shocked he would say there was no sex in this curriculum and that the whole point was to stop sexual harassment. Yeah, that’s a blatant lie."
"Is this what you want your child being taught?"
"You can read the "It's all One Curriculum" right here.
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