Abracadabra. Now you see it. Now you don't.
Here's OSPI's Sex Ed Resource page the way it appeared in June.
The page has been under revision for awhile. Gone is the direct link to Advocates for Youth and their 3 Rs curriculum. Also missing is a link to Answers, creators of Sex,etc., a site CSE curricula sends students to where they can find articles on sex written by teens; Healthy Teen Network, the organization that wanted to help kids maintain their sexual health during Covid by giving them tips on sexting and using sex toys; and SIECUS, offshoot of Planned Parenthood, dedicated to promoting sex ed, which recently changed its tag line to "Sex Ed for Social Change."
Is it just smoke and mirrors designed to detract until after the election and the decision on R-90, or are they stepping back from some of the more objectionable affiliations? We'll be watching.
Current site: https://www.k12.wa.us/student-success/resources-subject-area/sexual-health-education/hiv-and-sexual-health-education-resources
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