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Informed Parents of Washington

King County CSE effectiveness study debunked

Anatomy of a Fluff Piece--

Back in March, King County Executive Dow Constantine’s office released an article on a study recently completed on the FLASH curriculum, stating, “New published research demonstrates what King County families and public health experts have long observed – that the FLASH sexual health curriculum plays a key role in preventing unintended pregnancy among teens. The research also shows FLASH is well-liked by students.” (Read the whole announcement here:

We were intrigued, but when we searched the article for proof of their claims, we found nothing but statements without any proof to back them up. The KCE’s office didn’t even bother to provide a link to the study so that we could verify their claims for ourselves. It’s concerning when a government entity feels no need to provide proof of their claims and just expects the people to swallow whatever information they throw at them. It is even more concerning when that is exactly what the people do.

Our friends at PRIE wrote the KCE’s office and was astounded to be told that they didn’t have permission to share the study, PRIE would have to pay nearly $40 to read it themselves. Most parents would just stop here... and they know this. They count on it. This time, they were wrong.

PRIE bought the study, and we were blown away by what we read. They alerted friends at The Institute for Research and Evaluation who did their own research and came to the same conclusions we did...the study was bunk and proved nothing. You can read the results of their finding below.

Parents, DON’T TAKE ANYONE AT THEIR WORD WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR KIDS. Ask the questions, dig for the answers. Look beyond the fluff they feed you and research for yourselves. Nothing, not CSE, SEL, or CRT- is why they claim them to be. Time to put them in the hot seat.

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