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Deciding Whether To Have Sex - Activity #30

Sometimes, it isn’t what is said that makes a powerful impact, but what ISN’T said.

Take this lesson from “It’s All One,” a curricula on OSPI’s pre-approved list from which schools can choose.

The lesson is an exercise in how minor kids can determine if they are ready for sex, and it mentions 3 people the child goes to for advice. On the list: A friend, a counselor, and an AIDS patient. Who’s missing?...

The Parents!

The lesson then goes on to list different criteria that may be suggested as indicators that a child might be ready for sex. On the list...PRIVACY. Privacy from whom exactly? Why, anyone the student wouldn’t want to know they are thinking about having sex. But if the lesson already listed a friend, a counselor and an AIDS patient as worthy confidants, who does that leave out?


And what about the fact that on the list of criteria are things like: knowing what makes you feel good sexually (how could that be if they’ve never had sex unless the knowledge came from ample self-exploration); being comfortable directing them on how to make you feel good; and being comfortable asking what makes them feel good.


This is NOT respectful of the important role parents need to play in their child’s lives and it is completely inappropriate for schools to be discussing sexual pleasure. Period. Full stop.


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