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Creators of Whole Life Curriculum Sues Informed Parents of Washington

We must have hit a nerve.

Yesterday, a lawyer for UCC, the creators of the, "Our Whole Lives," curriculum, (the one with the explicit depiction of a breastfeeding baby as a child's first sexual experience) sent us a letter alleging copyright infringement and threated us with a lawsuit for posting 14 pages from their 485 page curriculum.

We think it's only fair that parents should be able to see what OSPI considers "age-appropriate" by reviewing actual curricula that they determined meets their standards.

How else are you, the parents, supposed to understand the ideas and techniques behind the CSE method, or see examples of how these topics are addressed in this soon-to-be-mandated sexuality education method, unless someone shows you?

This information will NOT be found by reading the Bill or OSPI's Standards- they only tell you WHAT must be taught. Only reading actual lessons will show you HOW these topics are addressed in CSE compliant curricula. They know this.

We are working with a lawyer, but we may need to remove the pages in the near future. Until then, you might want to get a good look at exactly what they don't want you to see.

The examples are on our website here:

If you are at all concerned with the lengths they will go to in order to silence parents who are simply taking a stand for their children, then please, REJECT R90.

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